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Are essay-based tests a reliable metric student performance on college-level writing tasks?
Are video metrics useful for course assessment in online writing instruction?
Did the state award ARP ESSER Afterschool Program Funds to LEAs during the reporting period?
Did the state award ARP ESSER Learning Loss Funds to LEAs during the reporting period?
Did the state award ARP ESSER Other Reserve Funds to LEAs during the reporting period?
Did the state award ARP ESSER Summer Enrichment Funds to LEAs during the reporting period?
Did the state award ESSER SEA Reserve Funds to local educational agencies (LEAs) during the reporting period?
Did the state award ESSER SEA Reserve Funds to non-LEA entities during the reporting period?
Did the state directly administer activities to address the learning loss of students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19?
Do students learn during one-shot library sessions?
Do students select first-year class placements differently by race, sex, SES?
How do alumni describe the effects of college?
How many data sources did states use to identify students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19?
How much ESSER funding was allocated per student?
How much ESSER funding was allocated to each state?
How were ESSER funds spent?
What data sources did states use to identify students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19?
What did the states spend their ESSER money on?
What do student reflections reveal about SSP's ecological impacts?
What is the distribution of ESSER funding allocated per student?
What percent of ESSER funds are spent?
Where Does Accelerate Have Grantees?
Where have ESSER funds been allocated to tutoring?
Where have ESSER funds been allocated?
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Tag: SDP
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Aug 16, 2024
Where have ESSER funds been allocated to tutoring?